Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: The story of Free radio part III transmission was on air June 10th 1985 RIGHT-WING RADIO in the frequency 91,2 MHz. Soon after that RWR started getting a In autumn 1984 an 18-years-old boy lot of trouble, The transmitter blew founded a free radio station in Jyvas- kyla city, Finland. The boy was to be twice, two boys went to the army and known as DJ Tex Willer and the station other two jumped off because they were too scared about the police and their went on nameless until February 1985, parents("What would happen if my mother During the winter 1984-85 Tex talked were to know ??? "), That's why RWR was with his friends about free radio and pretty silent until the autumn 1986, managed to find six boys to operate the and just a few test transmissions were station with. In early 1985 the local radio licence of Jyvaskyla was given to transmitted. In autumn 1986 DJ Tex Willer and a socialdemocratic newspaper company Simon 'Iceman' Heel decided to start and the RWR-boys were afraid that the making noise about the need for free station would become some kind of a radio, In August 1986 lots of press left- wing operation.RWR-boys wanted to releases were sent around and regular attack those left-wingers and named transmissions were started with the 25 their own station RIGHT-WING Radio. That watt FM transmitter, The results were was done, although RWR never meant and quite cool and the local newspapers and never did speak politics in the radio, the local radiostations printed long Just sex'n'dugs'n'rock'n'roll. . . RWR started building their own trans- stories about RWR operations, When the snow fell to woods RWR had mitters and studio equipment in spring to slow down some. Tests on FM continued 1985. A four-channel mixer was soon on frequency of 96 MHz, which was the built and a 25 watt FM-transmitter a official RWR little bit later. The first official frequency in those days. During that winter also short-wave PAGE transmissions were started